The Sea Girt Police Department will be out on State Highway 71 in front of the Sea Girt Elementary School asking motorists to “Tie One on for Safety” in an effort to remind everyone to drive sober over the holidays.  The time period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day includes some of the most dangerous days of the year on our nation’s roadways.  MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) in cooperation with the Sea Girt Police Department will ask drivers to put a MADD red ribbon on their vehicle as a reminder to designate a sober driver.  The Sea Girt Police Department will be out this Saturday to provide ribbons to motorists along with information about this program.

This holiday season you can demonstrate your commitment to eliminate drunk driving in the following ways:

  • Always designate a non-drinking driver before the celebration begins.
  • Display a MADD red ribbon on your vehicle.  (If you do not receive a ribbon on Saturday, you can visit for robbons, magnets and window decals)
  • Be a responsible host and provide alternate transportation or provide non-alcoholic beverages.

The Sea Girt Police Department wishes everyone a safe and happy holiday season.  We are committed to making the Borough a safe place to live, visit and travel though.