
The Sea Girt Police Department is a New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police (NJSACOP) accredited agency and has committed to maintaining the highest level of integrity and professionalism.

Accreditation is ongoing process where we continually evaluate and develop our policies and procedures against a set of standards.  These standards were developed by an outside accrediting body after vetting out the best practices for our profession.  The accrediting body assigns a team of assessors to review our practices to verify that we meet these standards.

The Sea Girt Police Department began the process of seeking accreditation in 2009 as we began changing our policies and procedures to meet the standards set in the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement’s “Accreditation Through Recognition” program.  In 2011, a team of assessors evaluated all aspects of our agency and our operations to verify that we have been living up to those standards.  During the evaluation our agency had to provide proof of compliance for each of the standards through written documentation, interviews with staff, and through assessor observations.  We were granted our initial accredited status in fall of 2014.

The process to be an accredited agency is an ongoing process.  Our policies and procedures continue to evolve to meet the needs of our profession and the public we serve.  As an agency we must submit to an evaluation by assessors from the accrediting body every three years to continually prove compliance with the standards.  Our agency moved to the NJSACOP Accreditation Program and was re-accredited after assessments and hearings in the fall of 2014 & also 2017.

The personnel of the Sea Girt Police Department are proud to be an accredited agency and will continue to work to our highest level of professionalism well into the future.  We have successfully been re-accredited in the fall of 2020.

Accreditation Manager: Lieutenant Matthew Mason (732) 449-7300 Ext. 440 Email:
Assistant Accreditation Manager: Patrolman Matthew Hurych (732) 449-7300 Ext. 447 Email:

List of Accredited Agencies in New Jersey

NJSACOP Standards Manual

For more about accreditation in Law Enforcement, check out this Comcast News Makers clip below.