Welcome to the Sea Girt Police Department

Over a Century of Service – On July 2nd, 1917, shortly after the official incorporation of Sea Girt, Charles H. Roberts was appointed as the Borough Marshal marking the beginning of over 100 years of law enforcement in the Borough of Sea Girt.

The men and women of the Sea Girt Police Department are dedicated to the safety and security of the approximately 2,000 residents and countless visitors who flock to our beautiful southern Monmouth County beaches.  A top priority for the agency is preserving the quality of life enjoyed by the residents and visitors of the Borough of Sea Girt.  By exercising a strict adherence to our mission, we have been blessed with one of the lowest crime rates in Monmouth County.

The Sea Girt Police Department is under the command of Chief Justin E. Macko.  The Department staffs thirteen full-time time police officers and is supplemented by part-time special officers who are assigned patrol or special duties as needed.

Accredited Agency

The Sea Girt Police Department is an accredited agency through the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police Law Enforcement Accreditation Program.

Sea Girt Police Now Hiring Special Officers

Sea Girt Police Now Hiring Special Officers

The Sea Girt Police Department is *NO LONGER* accepting resumes/applications for the position of Special Law Enforcement Officer (SLEO) I & II for the 2021 summer season.  The SLEO position is part-time only.  SLEO's may eventually be considered for full-time...

Contact Us:

Sea Girt Police Department

P.O. Box 22

319 Baltimore Boulevard

Sea Girt, NJ 08750-0022

Voice: (732) 449-7300

Fax: (732) 974-8684

Emergency: 9-1-1


Monday – Friday

8am to 4pm (except for holidays)


The goal of the Sea Girt Police Department’s Recruitment Plan is to attract qualified individuals to pursue a career with the Sea Girt Police Department. The objective is to achieve an overall racial and gender composition of the police department in comparison to the service population of the Borough through the department’s recruiting activities. This agency will make a good faith effort to meet specific goals for recruiting a diverse workforce, in terms of people of color and gender diversity. The goals and objectives will be accomplished through various recruitment activities and events.  Please click here for more information and statistics.  Click here for annual recruiting reports and recruitment plans.

Online Reporting Tool

The Sea Girt Police Department has created a tool to accept police reports through an online portal to report such things as:

Theft – Under $200
Vandalism / Damaged Property
Lost Property
Fraud Attempt / Scam Call
Harassing Calls, Emails, Text Messages


You may access the online reporting tool here.

Please be advised, there may be a delay in the report being received by officers. If you need immediate assistance, call (732) 449-7300.

RAVE Smart 9-1-1 Emergency Notification System

The Sea Girt Police Department is updating and communicating with residents on a regular basis through the RAVE Smart 9-1-1 System.  Please sign up by clicking the image below.

If you have any problems or questions in signing up, please call the Office of Emergency Management at 732-449-7335 ext. 603 or email tharmon@seagirtboro.com

Body Cameras Deployed

The Sea Girt Police Department has deployed body cameras on all of our uniformed officers.  Click here to read more about our body camera program.

Sea Girt Police Employment Application

The Sea Girt Police Department is currently not accepting résumés and applications for the position of Special Law Enforcement Officer I & II for Summer 2025.

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Sea Girt Police Department to maintain peace and order through the provision of police services that are of the highest quality and responsive to the needs of the community. We will contribute to the safety and security of the community by apprehending those who commit criminal acts, by developing partnerships to prevent, reduce, or eliminate neighborhood problems, and by providing police services that are fair, unbiased, judicious, and respectful of the dignity of all individuals.

Warning of Recent Scams

Frequent scams: IRS Scam As we close tax filing season, residents are cautioned of the IRS scam. Scammers call people in attempt to have them wire money to satisfy an outstanding IRS debt they owe. These criminals claim to be IRS agents threatening to arrest people,...

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Seals and Other Mammals on the Beach

During this time of the year it is not unusual to see a harbor seal on the beaches of Sea Girt.  Seals are amphibious.  They are at home on land and in the water. What can you do if an animal strands on the beach? If you see a whale, dolphin, seal or sea turtle in Sea...

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Sea Girt Police Officers Donate Turkeys

The Sea Girt Police Officer's Association donated turkeys to the Food Bank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties.  The turkeys were purchased from Foodtown and delivered to the Food Bank in time for Thanksgiving.

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Pedestrian Safety Enforcement Operation

This holiday weekend the Sea Girt Police Department will be conducting a pedestrian decoy operation in the area along First Avenue during the afternoon hours.  This area will be targeted due to the high number of pedestrians who cross at the various intersections to...

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Fake IRS Scam Alert

On 6/26/2014 a resident of Sea Girt received a phone call from a phone number they did not recognize.  A voice mail was left.  The message was in a computerized voice indicating it was the Internal Revenue Service and they were attempting to collect a debt.  They were...

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Reminder – No Dogs on the Beach After March 15th 2014

Sea Girt Borough Ordinance 9-1.2O states; Control of Dogs; Dogs Restricted During Certain Times. Dogs are prohibited on the beach from March 15 to September 30. No person owning, walking or otherwise having custody or possession of any dog shall cause or permit such...

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