Firearms Permits

Firearms Applications and Registration System – FARS

Sea Girt residents may make an application for a firearms identification card or purchasing permit through the New Jersey Firearms Applications and Registration System, also known as FARS.

Please follow these steps for all firearms applications:

  1. Go to:
  2. On the bottom left of the F.A.R.S. page you will see an orange button marked “Online S.T.S. 033 Form” This will bring to the next page where you will need our ORI # NJ0134400
  3. You may now continue with your online application. Note: you will need to provide email addresses of 2 reputable references (friend’s co-workers, family members etc.) during the application process.
  4. Once you have completed your online application, you will need to pay for your INITIAL FID Card and / or Pistol Purchase Permits. Your application WILL NOT be processed until you have paid these fee(s). Fees are non-refundable, and are required per NJAC 13:54-1.4 Cash, check or money order is accepted. Make check payable to Sea Girt Police Department. Payments must be made in person during normal business hours. Bring your payment, valid driver’s license and / or photo ID & FID card (if applicable).

You will be receiving automated email updates throughout this process.

IMPORTANT: Inform your references that the FARS system will email them a “questionnaire” that must be completed immediately in order to complete your application. Failure to do so, will delay or may even “reject” your application.

Once your application is completed and (if approved) you will receive a confirmation email from The New Jersey State Police.

Call or Email Detective Zachary Sherman @ 732-449-7300 ext. 445 //
(Mon – Thu. ~ 7AM – 7PM) with any questions.
If you are having problems with F.A.R.S., contact:
The New Jersey State Police @ 609-882-2000