1. Check on Elderly and Special Needs The onset of winter weather causes most of us to begin making preparations to keep ourselves safe, fed, and generally comfortable for the duration of the weather event. For those in our communities who are elderly or who have...
Sea Girt Officers Honored – PBA Local 50 Valor Awards Dinner
Last evening (February 24th, 2017), two officers from the Sea Girt Police Department were honored by the New Jersey State PBA Local 50 at their annual Valor Awards Ceremony. Patrolman Douglas Nesbitt and Patrolman Zachary Sherman of the our agency, along with...
Basic Police Application
Click here for the Basic Police Application. Minimum qualifications include: Must be a citizen of the United States; Must be a resident of the State of New Jersey; Must be at least 18 years of age; Must be able read, write and speak the English language well and...
Pedestrian Safety Operation – July 2nd, 2016
On July 2nd, 2016 the Sea Girt Police Department conducted a Pedestrian Safety Operation at the intersection of 1st Avenue (County Rt. 49) and Brooklyn Boulevard. This particular intersection was selected due to the amount of pedestrian traffic in the area due to the...
Scam Alert
Scam Alert from Chief Kevin Davenport: Unfortunately, we had a resident fall victim to a scam involving several thousands of dollars in iTunes gift cards. This scam was orchestrated under the “Grandparent scam”. My concerns is, with someone falling victim to this in...
Advisory to Summer Visitors of Sea Girt
As we approach the opening of the Parker House for the 2016 summer season, we would like to pass some information along to patrons, cab drivers and Uber drivers with respect to obeying our local and State statutes. First and foremost, the Sea Girt Police Department...
Are You Getting Emergency Information?
In our efforts to provide more reliable communications with the residents and businesses in the Borough, we have partnered with Swiftreach Networks, Inc. as our emergency notification service provider. In the past, the Sea Girt Police Department has used this system...
Winter Storm
Good morning, approximately 10-14" of snow fell overnight. Sea Girt Public Works have been working all night to clear streets in Sea Girt. It has been very challenging to keep up with the heavy snow. I want to remind people, the Governor has issued a state of...
JCP&L Information
As this strong winter storm approaches, I would like to pass some useful information to residents regarding JCP&L and possible power outages. JCP&L has provided the following links, resources and information regarding power outages in the event we experience outages....